
IST-Africa 2022 Call for Papers: DEADLINE EXTENDED 31 December

Deadline extended to December 12th

Hosted by the Government of South Africa through the Department of Science and Innovation and Supported by the European Commission (EC) and African Union Commission (AUC), IST-Africa 2022 (May) is the seventeenth in an annual series of Ministerial Level Technology Research and Innovation Conferences.

The IST-Africa Conference Series provides a world-class strategic platform rotating around Africa to strengthen technology-enabled Innovation, Science and Technology and Entrepreneurship related policy dialogues within Africa and between Africa, Europe and the rest of the world, Global Development, Research and Innovation Cooperation and Community Building. It also provides an opportunity to identify potential partners for future research cooperation under Horizon Europe and other international funding programs. IST-Africa is a unique community that brings together cross-disciplinary stakeholders from public, private, education and research, societal, funding and international donor sectors with end user communities focused on ICT and STI Research and Innovation and Technology-enabled Entrepreneurship.

IST-Africa 2022 Call for Papers invites full papers (8 pages in length) using the paper guidelines and IST-Africa template provided at  to be submitted online for blind peer review by 30 November.

Thematic areas addressing achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include:

  • Technology-enabled Healthcare (mHealth /eHealth)
  • Technology-enhanced Learning and eSkills
  • Technology-enabled Agriculture (mAgriculture /eAgriculture) & Environmental Sustainability
  • Energy – ICT for Power Delivery, Micro-grids
  • eInfrastructures and NRENs (National Research and Education Networks)
  • Next Generation Computing including Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Future Internet, Internet of Things (IoT)
  • eGovernment and Public Service Delivery
  • Content Technologies including Languages; Digital Preservation
  • Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust
  • Collaborative Open Innovation and Technology-enabled Entrepreneurship (including Social Entrepreneurship)
  • Global Development (including ICT4D)
  • Societal Implications of Technology

Please download the Call for Papers for more information – .

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