In Focus Security

GÉANT DDoS Cleansing and Alerting Service Launched

3D concept

Supporting GÉANT peering users with dynamic, fast responses to DDoS

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a large and growing problem within the networking community with a large number of NRENs of NRENs reporting attacks every month.

These attacks not only damage live services for users but affect the reputation of the NREN amongst their users and consume large amounts of manpower and resources to respond to and counter them.

As the growth of botnet and other DDoS attacks increases, this workload will also increase and may begin to affect the ability of NRENs to support other activities.

Now GÉANT has developed a DDoS Cleansing and Alerting service, designed for users of GÉANT’s peering services (including indirect GÉANT World Service (GWS)), which allows GÉANT to dynamically detect and mitigate these attacks. The service is a no-cost option for all peering users and requires only simple registration to receive alerts from the system.

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