
Enabling Discovery in Research with Cloud Technologies Oracle Webinar: 26 February 2020

Research drives the global expansion of knowledge and spurs scientific, technological and social innovation. Currently, all too often research investigations are constrained by the limitations of only using traditionally available computing technologies. Existing technologies may not be the most advanced, they may have capacity thresholds and typically will have a queuing system in place. These conditions impede progress and impact research outcomes. Cloud technologies, by contrast, are now opening up entirely new possibilities, enabling researchers to access additional, powerful resources and alternative technologies, exactly as and when they are required. Researchers today thus have many more options to help them accelerate time to discovery and advance innovation.

Join the Scientific Computing World webinar with Oracle to hear fascinating insights about scientists and research organisations using, or planning to use, cloud technologies, to advance their ground-breaking research endeavours.

– Prof. Imre Berger (Director, Max Planck Centre for Minimal Biology, University of Bristol, UK)
– Dr Dan Ruderman (Director of Analytics and Machine Learning, at Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine of USC, USA)
– Eric Grancher (Head of database services group, CERN IT department, at CERN, Switzerland)
– Taylor Newill (Senior Manager, HPC Product Management, at Oracle)

Hosted by Tim Gillett (Editor, at Europa Science)

Submitted by Peter Szegedi

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