If there is one thing the current COVID-19 pandemic has taught us is that there is much we do not know. Yet the race for treatment protocols, vaccinations and medical technologies is ongoing. Today. And developing as more is learned and revealed. Alongside the uncertainty, operational decisions on a local, national and global scale are needed to safely allow commerce, education and daily life to continue in the shadow of the threat of renewed outbreaks and other potential viral pathogens.
Researchers and operators of El Salvador’s national academic R&E network understand that the ideal way to plan for a safe and healthy future in such an uncertain environment is to be a catalyst in joining the best minds and resources in a collaborative platform.
Two very important allies, RAICES, the El Salvador national research and education network (NREN) and the Francisco Gavidia University (UFG), joined forces to develop solutions and offer platforms to best combat the threat.
Submitted by Jane Gifford