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EOSC Association General Assembly to Take Place Tomorrow

The first general assembly (GA) of the EOSC Association will take place on Thursday, 17 December 2020.

An early agenda point will be admitting to the Association 139 provisional member organisations and 48 provisional observer organisations, which applied in the first round of admissions to the Association before mid-October 2020 (See Cathrin Stover’s blog on this). Once admitted, members will then join the original four founding members (CESAER, CSIC, GÉANT and GARR) in electing a president and a board of eight directors. 

The EOSC Association will then take note of other important issues such as Annual Fees and Budget, Bylaws, version 0.9 of the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), as well as the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which the EOSC Association will sign with the European Commission. One of the key upcoming tasks of the Association will be the recruitment of a Secretary General.

The event will also see the launch of a new EOSC Association website. With basic information as a starting, the site will evolve further as the Association does as it takes shape and evolves in 2021.

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