The 41st issue of the GÉANT CONNECT magazine is hot off the press!
In this issue, we take a closer look at the significant policy developments that have been happening in Brussels and that have impact on our community. On page 2, you can read a piece on why Ursula von der Leyen’s State of the European Union Address was far more important to the R&E networking community than one might think. On page 4, we move to the African continent and discuss RRENs’ and NRENs’ recent contribution to the African Union’s Continental Education Strategy for Africa.
In the Magazine, we also interview two of our Community’s early pioneers: Margaret Ngwira in Malawi and Jan Gruntorad in the Czech Republic.
Furthermore, in this issue, you will find the following:
- an update on eduGAIN’s growing community
- an overview on the awarded projects from the 2022 edition of the GÉANT Innovation Programme
- and two upcoming events: CLAW Crisis Management Workshop in Poznan, and TNC23 in Tirana.
And, as always, we welcome numerous articles from our NREN partners. Our thanks to all of you who contributed to this issue.
With no further delay, enjoy the issue!
If you wish to see previous issues, visit our CONNECT Magazine page.