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It’s a Quantum Affair

Martin Bech, Head of DeiC Forskningsnettet (left) and Henrik Navntoft Sønderskov, Head of Quantum, DeiC (right). Photo credits to Claus Boesen ©
Martin Bech, Head of DeiC Forskningsnettet (left) and Henrik Navntoft Sønderskov, Head of Quantum, DeiC (right). Photo credits to Claus Boesen ©

Words: Marie Charllotte Søbye, DeiC

Danish Government launches ambitious Quantum Strategy and DeiC plays leading role in realising world class Quantum Infrastructure for Danish Research and Innovation.

Collaboration is the heart of the matter

Martin Bech and Henrik Navntoft Sønderskov are spearheading the DeiC quantum initiatives in close collaboration with the Danish Universities. “We are actually moving forward with very concrete initiatives which will help Danish research and innovation gain advantage and bring revolutionary solutions to life”, says Henrik Navntoft Sønderskov, Head of Quantum at DeiC.

Denmark has a longstanding and strong tradition when it comes to Quantum Physics. 100 years ago, Danish Physicist Niels Bohr laid the foundations for an international hotspot for quantum mechanics when he founded the Niels Bohr Institute for Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen. “Carrying forward this tradition and helping quantum infrastructure come to life is of course very exciting for us in DeiC”, Henrik continues.

So far, DeiCs quantum infrastructure initiatives unfold within the following areas:

Quantum Communications

DeiC Forskningsnettet participates in the European EuroQCI project supporting secure data communications based on quantum technology. The objective is to create a coherent quantum infrastructure across Europe using both fibre cables and satellites. DeiC is establishing and operating the necessary fibre stretches, and the complete European infrastructure is expected to be ready in 2024. “In particular, we hope to investigate to what extent quantum signals can coexist with other signals in a fibre. If successful, it could potentially reduce the cost of deploying quantum-encrypted networks significantly”, says Martin Bech, Head of DeiC Forskningsnettet.

Quantum Competences

A task force is responsible for building national quantum competences in close connection with quantum competence activities within the EU. The initiative aims to disseminate skills and information on increased risks of quantum technology among researchers and businesses. It will target a broad audience and ensure a better understanding of the possibilities and relevance of quantum infrastructure for society.

Quantum Excellence Centre

Another task force is engaged in the development and dissemination of quantum computer applications bringing to life a new generation of software and algorithms which can be used across different types of quantum computer technologies. Already, the DeiC National Quantum Algorithm Academy Fellowship Programme has launched its first project grants for Postdocs and PhDs on Quantum Algorithms and Quantum Software.

Quantum Computer Access

A third task force works to establish access to as many quantum computers and various test and technology platforms as possible. As part of this endeavour DeiC participates in the LUMI-Q consortium under EuroHPC.

Quantum technology is leaning into many new areas of our society, somewhat shrouded in mystery. Therefore, in DeiC we will work hard to collaborate with all relevant partners to bring forward concrete initiatives that enable competitive quantum infrastructure for both industry, businesses, research, and innovation.

Learn more about Danish NREN DeiC and DeiCs quantum initiatives at

GÉANT CONNECT Magazine - CONNECT 46 -TNC24This article is featured on CONNECT 46, the latest issue of the GÉANT CONNECT Magazine!

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