Education Events

European NRENs and their learning impact – TF-EDU to meet in Barcelona on 9 October 2024

Sagrada Familia aerial view

Co-located with the Learning Impact Europe conference, the Task Force for Educational Services and Activities (TF-EDU) will meet at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain on Wednesday 9 October.

During the next TF-EDU hybrid meeting, the latest developments on the European level for the digitalisation of education will be shared. You will hear from the European Digital Education Hub on their work on interoperability, and from GÉANT on the current and future activities that the NREN community are supporting. The Norwegian NREN, Sikt, will share their experience on how they have developed their Digital Learning Environment strategy. The second part of the meeting will continue with an engaging fireside chat led by community experts, focusing on the transformative role of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in education and research. This interactive session will explore success stories, address challenges, and envision future priorities to maximise NRENs’ impact on learning and innovation.

TF-EDU invites you to collaborate virtually or face to face in Barcelona!

Register here

More information about the event (agenda and other details) can be found on the wiki: 

Any attendees who wish to stay for the whole Learning Impact Europe conference (9-11 October) will receive a discount code and will pay €225 instead of €475.
Anyone who is also attending CanvasCon in Barcelona on 8 October can receive a discount on that if they are attending the Learning Impact as well.

About TF-EDU

TF-EDU aims to gather information, discuss and develop tools and best practices to address the common issues faced by NRENs with regards to their educational services and activities. The areas of interest include the digital learning environment – such as Learning Management Systems (LMS), Learning Analytics (LA), Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) – eduID, Open Educational Resources (OER) and more.

TF-EDU opens a space to enable organisations and individuals to share their own practice (positive and less successful), focusing on two major tracks:

  • It serves as a strategic platform for the creation of an overview of the educational technologies landscape in the NREN community and beyond.
  • It liaises with interested parties and supports the creation and work of smaller working groups that will dynamically form around specific services, challenges and opportunities in the area of educational technologies.

TF-EDU is committed to sharing every outcome, finding and result with the wider GÉANT community.

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