Words: Dr. Ing. Sven Ubik, CESNET During this year’s Network Performing Arts Production Workshop (NPAPW), held at the Lithuanian Conservatory of Music...
The GÉANT (GN5-1) Project initiative elevating community expertise in advanced networking technologies keeps expanding its reach and growing, with new...
The Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association (GRENA) is excited to announce the development of the Business Platform for OpenStack Clouds (BP...
Evelien Renders works at SURF as an advisor for international collaboration and has recently been appointed as the President of EUNIS. CONNECT spoke with...
Words: Duuk Baten & John Walker, SURF How do we deal with new technologies responsibly, in a way that respects public values? Discussing this can shape...
Launched on 1 September 2024, the EUMEDplus project represents a significant step forward in enhancing digital connectivity and research collaboration across...
Words: Anne Rahbek-Damm, DeiC To manage a complex data flow, the SUBMERSE project employs an iterative approach to FAIRification and Data Management Plan...
CONNECT meets Vladislav Bidikov to learn how the experience of CLAW, the Crisis Management exercise for the R&E community, inspired him to design and...
This year, DFN Association celebrates 40 years of supporting science and education. Founded in 1984 as a central joint scientific institution, the DFN...
As defined by Face2Face Africa, Dorcas Muthoni is one of Kenya and East Africa’s leading innovators and the woman “behind some of the most widely used web and...
Imagine running a successful restaurant without a well-organised kitchen. Chaos would ensue; misplaced ingredients, delayed orders, and a compromised dining...
World events and the rise of cyber threats to global critical infrastructure, combined with the increasing awareness and growing number of security-related...
“I’ll be a second”, “Can I borrow you for a second?”, “Have you got a second?”. Phrases we hear many times each day but what exactly is a second? Since, well...
Words: Lisa Melrose, GÉANT ‘The key is not to prioritise what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities’ — The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by...
Following the European Elections of June this year, and subsequent confirmation of the second term of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, her first and...
Check out CONNECT47, the latest edition of GÉANT CONNECT Magazine, now available online! In this issue, you’ll find insightful interviews and articles...
GÉANT has published a paper on the role of the GÉANT Association in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The paper outlines where members of the GÉANT...
Since 2016, GÉANT’s flagship cloud frameworks have fostered digital transformation across Europe, by enabling easy, convenient, and compliant consumption of...
What do Komodo dragons, COVID-19 protein structures, and ancient papyrus scrolls from Pompeii have in common? They’ve all been subjects of research at Diamond...
The annual European Cybersecurity Month is approaching fast. Ever since 2020, GÉANT has been putting its weight behind this initiative with a large-scale...