The Cyber-Lab Tech portal that was created with support from the EaPConnect project has won the 2019 Georgian IT Innovation Award. The portal was nominated in the category ‘Best Information / Cyber Security Solution’ and the prize was awarded to the Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association, GRENA, and the national Computer Emergency Response Team CERT.GOV.GE.
GRENA has a strong track record in supporting cyber-security activities in Georgia. Once again it worked with CERT.GOV.GE and the Data Exchange Agency of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia to organise the National Cyber Olympiad, “Cyber Cube 2019”. 120 students under the age of 25, from universities and schools, represented 42 teams. GRENA was responsible for the development of several cyber-exercises, and for the installation and reliable operation of the necessary network and online platform infrastructure for the event.
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