At the e-IRG Open Workshop in Helsinki, Finland, Leslie Versweyveld spoke to e-IRG Delegate Ivan Maric from the University of Zagreb Computing Centre (SRCE) in Croatia. Ivan Maric wears many hats. He is engaged in the European Open Science Cloud Governance Board, he is the Croatian delegate in the Programme Committee for Horizon 2020 and Croatian representative in the Programme Committee for Research Infrastructures. Ivan Maric is also involved in the EuroHPC activity. For 15 to 20 years, he was member in the board of GÉANT and other e-Infrastructures in the Pan-European ecosystem. Indeed, Ivan Maric has many responsibilities as a Delegate of the Croatian Member State.
Ambitious plans for e-IRG, EOSC and EuroHPC under Croatian EU Presidency – Interview with Ivan Maric, SRCE, Croatia
15th January 2020