Dear members, colleagues, friends,
We invite you to the 4th TF-EDU virtual meeting entitled “Finding the balance”. This meeting will take the form of a mini conference and a small collective and individual learning journey.
The intention of this meeting is to collectively and individually reflect on the role of NRENs in supporting education, taking into account:
- our experiences related to lockdown and online transitioning to working and studying from home
- looking at the immediate future (3-6 months from now) and deciding on the next steps
- looking at the long term impact on NRENs supporting remote education
Our interest is to explore the role of NRENs in supporting education from the national and institutional point of you (support to universities, schools; scaling up and scaling down, contracts and procurement) to individual level (services and activities for teachers and students, pre, during and post-pandemic).
The aim of the mini-conference is to create the space for collective and self reflection, learning from the past few months while looking at the future, hopefully finding the balance between newly discovered solutions and obsolete practices. In doing that we will look for:
- newly discovered processes, goals, tools and needs that we value and want to take with us in to the future;
- the obsolete or obstacle-creating practices that we are willing to let go.
IMPORTANT: We are inviting you to join the co-creation of the agenda, by proposing:
- Lightning talks (5 min, 1-2 slides)
- Topics for conversations that you would love to host as part of the community sessions (20 min)
You can submit your topics / lightning talks no later than 5th of June, noon, by adding your proposal to:
If you have some technical issues, please send your submission to .
Requirement for submission: All submission should be in line of the area of educational activities, services and technologies. Submitters should be prepared to present / host during the virtual mini conference: facilitate discussions, prepare to summarize it (E.g. some notes as conclusions, outcomes and / or follow up points).
Please note that the TF-EDU SC is there to help you to prepare for your sessions.
Please find the outline of the agenda here:
Save the date:
June, 9th, 2020.
11am-4pm CEST
We are looking forward to seeing you on 9 June 2020!