Friday, 4 September 2020, 10:00-11:30 CEST
EUA is organising a webinar on 4 September to present the progress of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and to provide an occasion for the sector to discuss the initiative from a university perspective.
The EOSC is a major effort to connect research data services, such as storage, analysis and transfer, across Europe. The European Commission has stated that the EOSC “will enhance the possibilities for researchers to find, share and reuse publications ,data, and software leading to new insights and innovations, higher research productivity and improved reproducibility in science”.
The EOSC will be implementing through a cross-cutting European Partnership within Horizon Europe. The Commission has released a proposal for this European Partnership. Meanwhile, a Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda and a legal entity (“EOSC Association”) are currently under preparation.
The EUA webinar is free of charge and open to anyone who is interested in the topic.
- Karel Luyben, Chair of the EOSC Executive Board; Rector Magnificus Emeritus, TU Delft
- Vinciane Gaillard, Acting Director for Research & Innovation, European University Association
- Inge Van Nieuwerburgh, Co-ordinator scholarly communication, Ghent University
- Ignacio Blanquer, Full Professor of Computer Science, Universitat Politècnica de València
A recording will be available for those who are interested but unable to attend.