We at EOSC Enhance are thrilled to share with the EOSC community some thoughts on the latest activities we have carried out through the spring of 2021, since the previous entry of our Dev Diary.
Over the past couple of months, we have opened up to providers and users with dedicated virtual meetings to gather relevant feedback about the new features and functionalities implemented in the EOSC Portal, and especially to collect requirements towards the next EOSC Portal release due in autumn 2021.
We have also defined the EOSC Enhance Key Exploitable Results, seven core contributions to the long-term journey of the European Open Science Cloud, that will be further elaborated towards the end of the project in the next six months.
As usual, you can find useful materials on how to navigate the Portal, onboard resources, exploit a range of different features, and many other actions, on the Using the Portal section.
Take a look back at the main public activities organised by the EOSC Enhance team and read the full Dev Diary #6 on the EOSC Portal: https://eosc-portal.eu/news/dev-diary-6-co-creating-eosc-portal