11 January 2023, 13:00-14:30 CET
In December 2022 the NIS2 directive has been finalised, approved and published. In this GÉANT Infoshare we will share with you the latest insights on the European Security Union and the timeline of the implementation of the latest directives:
- NIS2: Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union
- CER: Directive on the resilience of critical entities
- CRA: Cyber Resilience Act for securing Software and Hardware products
We will look in detail what the implications for R&E are and how you can prepare for these new regulations. This will both be actions you as an NREN will need to take, as well as joint actions. We will propose a structure for working together and share experiences.
We particularly invite the attendance of GÉANT General Assembly (GA) representatives, NREN senior management, Security professionals, IT managers, Legal counselors, Public Affairs officers.