The eduGAIN team is pleased to invite you to a new eduGAIN technical webinar on 21 February 2023 (10:00 CET), focusing on the eduGAIN Operations Team (OT).
In particular, the webinar will highlight the role of the eduGAIN Operations Team, present the eduGAIN architecture and the OT’s work on it, present the additional tools and features operated by the OT (eduGAIN technical website, eduGAIN validator, Database interface, URL testing, APIs and more) and outline the roadmap and future plans of the OT.
This webinar is primarily aimed at Federation Operators (FedOps), but open to all interested persons within Identity Federations.
If you would like to know more about eduGAIN in general, please visit the eduGAIN website.
Technical personnel of federations either participating or planning to participate in eduGAIN can also find find further information on the eduGAIN technical website.