Recruiting and retaining good people is a shared challenge within our community. Please join us at TNC23 on Tuesday 6 June, 14:00-15:30 CEST to hear how others are approaching this challenge and to explore solutions together.
This meeting is open to anyone attending TNC23 who is interested in these important topics. We particularly encourage attendance from those who are responsible for recruitment and staff development within their organisation.
After a welcome from GÉANT’s CEO Erik Huizer, you will be introduced to the interactive session, where you will hear how panellists from different NRENs and R&E organisations are approaching shared challenges and explore ideas in small groups.
In the first half of the meeting we will cover the challenges of recruitment, and explore how we can attract new talent towards our communities. During the second half, you will have the opportunity to hear ideas and discuss potential solutions for successful retention.
By the end of the side meeting, we will encourage the forming of a community with a shared interest in HR and Learning. Participants will be invited to join a HR & Learning mailing list to be part of future events.
TNC23 – Tirana, Albania
Rogner Hotel (just 3 min walk from the Palace of Congress)
Paris room
Chair: Sarah Hughes (GÉANT)
14:00 | Welcome from Erik Huizer, GÉANT |
14:05 | Introduction to HR & Learning Forum and panellists:
14:10 | Part 1: How can we attract talented people to our organisations and community? Panel presentations followed by small group discussion on tables. Share highlights with the whole group. |
14:50 | Part 2: How can we develop and retain talented people? How can we collaborate to attract and retain talent within our wider community? Panel presentations followed by small group discussion on tables. Share highlights with the whole group. |
15:30 | Close |
Please note: This is a TNC23 side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to register to the side meeting and to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass.