Community News Open Science

Notes from a memorable workshop (Day Two)

Tbilisi workshop audience
Tbilisi workshop audience

Libraries as enablers of scientific research, National Science Library, Tbilisi, 27-28 April 2023

Nino Pavliashvili, Director of the National Science Library of Georgia, opened day two of the workshop highlighting the mission of the National Science Library: to promote science, support scientific research and be at the forefront of Open Science.

Arjan Xhelaj, General Director of RASH, the National Research and Education Network of Albania, presented the NREN’s services for universities, talked about U-CRIS, a publishing platform for scientific publications and closed his talk: “We will soon launch a platform for Open Access journals, I firmly believe that data must be Open Source and FAIR”.

Błażej Betański from PSNC in Poland talked about dLibra, an easy access and multiformat system that features online presentations, customised metadata, access management, integration, long time preservation, Digital Object Identification and 3D objects visualisation.

Dr. Ebru Kaya from Bilkent University Library in Turkey surprised the audience by moving to the back of the room to offer a different perspective. Ebru described the library as the heart of Bilkent University and went on to talk about Open Access and the changing business model for the publication of scholarly journals, introducing the concept of Transformative Agreements which is a shift from the traditional subscription-based model.

Read the full story on the EaPConnect Project website.
EU4Digital: Connecting Research and Education Communities (EaPConnect)’ is an EU-funded project.

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