We’re pleased to share the 2nd SIG-TFN meeting will take place in Ispra, Italy on 12-13 March 2025 in the form of 2 half days. It will be hosted by the European Commission Joint Research Center (EC JRC).
The goal of the meeting is to discuss the pan-European timing network and explore the interoperability between the member states / NRENs and the possibility of commercial use while maintaining existing obligations and use cases.
An interesting agenda is planned with speakers from EURAMET, Vodaphone, Orange, DG-DEFIS and DG-CONNECT covering topics such as sustainability and funding, industry requirements for timing across Europe, data sharing strategies, etc. A unique lab tour of the JRC Euroatom lab is also planned.
You can find the complete agenda and all information about the meeting here: https://wiki.geant.org/display/SIG/2nd+SIG-TFN+meeting+-+Ispra%2C+Italy. As the JRC will be arranging the logistics such as the transportation to and from the JRC site, accommodation and registration, please make sure to read all information regarding travel arrangements, transportation and expenses.
Please make sure to register by 28 February!
Subscribe to the SIG-TFN mailing list to ensure you don’t miss out on future events: https://lists.geant.org/sympa/subscribe/sig-tfn.
SIG-TFN (Time and Frequency Network) aims to gather and exchange experiences, ideas and knowledge on the development, deployment, testing and standardisation of Time and Frequency solutions, leading to the development of a Core-Time and Frequency Network (C-TFN). The SIG has an advisory role to GEANT GPPC and relevant project management/coordination function.