At the annual EGI conference, international scientific communities, computing and service providers, European projects, security experts, community managers...
Tag - EGI
You probably have already heard about EGI2024 taking place in Lecce, Italy, from September 30th until October 4th, 2024. The EGI community would love to meet...
In this week’s announcement of the winners of the public procurement tender for “Managed Services for the European Open Science Cloud Platform (EOSC)”, GÉANT...
The CS3MESH4EOSC final event, taking place on 22 June 2023, at the EGI Conference in Poznan (Poland), will showcase how the Science Mesh is contributing to an...
EGI2023 is taking place in Poznań, Poland, from June 19th until June 23rd, 2023. We’re happy to announce that Early Bird registration is now open for all. Make...
EGI2023: 19-23 June 2023, Poznań, Poland EGI2023 is approaching fast and we need your help to complete the programme! From now until March 20th, we’re...
A joint statement on the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) was released on the EOSC Liaison Platform by the ESFRI Science Clusters ENVRI...
Organisations that support research and education in Eastern Partnership countries are better prepared to enable open science, after training organised by the...