The EuroHPC JU announced the signature of a contract with a CSC-led consortium to develop the EuroHPC Federation Platform. It will integrate supercomputing, AI...
Tag - EuroHPC
It may sound odd to talk about 10 years of GÉANT, when our predecessors TERENA and DANTE started in the early 1990s and the GÉANT project itself long ago...
The procurement contract of EuroQCS-Poland, the EuroHPC quantum computer to be located in Poland, has been signed by the European High Performance Computing...
Jan Jona Javoršek is head of the Network Infrastructure Centre at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, where he is involved in infrastructure development...
Dr. Hanslik, in your role as the national representative for Austria in both the steering and governing boards of EOSC and the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, as...
All GN5-1 Task Leaders, Work Package Leaders, and Coordinators gathered in the history city of Dordrecht in the Netherlands for a 1.5-day kick-off convention...
On 21 September 2022, Sebastiano Buscaglione, Senior Network Architect and member of the GÉANT Network Evolution team, observed a significant increase in...