This interview is part of a series highlighting the objectives, roles and mission of GÉANT Community Programme’s special interest groups and task forces...
Tag - RedIRIS
By Nil Ortiz, Carolina Fernández, Jordi Guijarro and Shuaib Siddiqui, i2CAT Identity types We tend to have multiple identities on the Internet: from social...
By Gabriel Verdejo Alvarez, IT manager at the at the Research and Development Lab (/rdlab) and full-time staff at UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)...
Proposal for a map of competencies in cybersecurity for non-ICT staff of companies and organizations
By Josu Mendívil, IT Director and CISO at the University of Deusto The degree of knowledge and awareness of cybersecurity by employees should be considered a...
This is the first-hand account of the 24 hours following the cyberattack on the University of Castilla-La Mancha, written by that university’s Director of ICT...
By Nil Ortiz, Carolina Fernández, Jordi Guijarro and Shuaib Siddiqui, i2CAT Knowing about our public identity Our identity is scattered along a myriad of sites...
Despite vast scientific efforts over many decades, prediction of earthquakes remains highly challenging. Now, a collaboration between universities and other...
By Carolina Fernandez, Jordi Guijarro and Shuaib Siddiqui, i2cat Foundation Introduction of IdP environment in the context of identity security eduGAIN...