eInfraCentral at Digital Infrastructures for Research conference
The eInfraCentral project (European e-Infrastructure Services Gateway) is present at the Digital Infrastructures for Research (DI4R) conference on 30 November to 1 December in Brussels. The eInfraCentral interactive session on the first day (11.00-12.30) will focus on the overall project and the latest advancements with the service alignment and the eInfra Portal. The audience is invited to actively test the beta version of the portal and provide feedback.
Moreover, the eInfraCentral project will be present at the panel “How to make EOSC services FAIR?” on the second day of the conference (14.00-15.30). The topic of findability relating to e-infrastructures in the context of the European Open Science Cloud is one of the key elements in making the service F.A.I.R.
The eInfraCentral representatives attending DI4R welcome all the opportunities for bilateral talks with interested parties such as service providers, users of e-infrastructures, virtual research environments, and policymakers. We especially welcome e-infrastructure service providers to explore how their services can be included in the eInfra Portal.
Please find us at the above-mentioned sessions, at our poster during the breaks, or contact us ahead of the conference to set up a meeting.
To keep up-to-date with project developments, please sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Twitter: @eInfraCentral.
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