In this post we cover two news items from WISE: the latest meeting of the WISE Community and the appointment of the new WISE Steering Committee Chair.
WISE sets its mission
The WISE community braved a surprisingly frosty British February to meet at Cosener’s House in Abingdon, kindly hosted by the Science and Technology Facilities Council at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory STFC-RAL. In addition to community presentations, the group made good progress on understanding the next evolution for Security for Collaborating Infrastructures Trust Framework SCI – developing a reusable policy pack for research infrastructures. This work will continue jointly between the AARC Project and WISE’s SCI Working Group.
Four new ideas were presented as suitable topics for WISE, including activities to:
– produce guidelines for Data Leak Prevention
– improve security information exchange between infrastructures
– study the security implications of the Science DMZ
– understand the wider community’s needs for coordinated security communication challenges.
To round off the workshop, WISE reflected on the “What, Why and How” of the Community to develop a mission strategy. This will be continued by a small group within WISE and used to guide the direction of future WISE activities.
A big “Thank You” to STFC-RAL for the memorable trip!
A new WISE chair for Spring
Change is in the air for WISE as Spring approaches! Hannah Short (CERN) is leaving her role of WISE Steering Committee chair and David Kelsey (STFC-RAL) will be taking the reigns.
“As of the 6th WISE Workshop, I will be stepping down in my role as WISE Steering Committee chair. It has been a fantastic experience to work with you all and help develop WISE!” The change comes following new responsibilities at CERN, however, Hannah will remain involved in the WISE Working Groups and as part of the Steering Committee.
David Kelsey was a founding member of WISE, is a current member of the Steering Committee, and our most recent host for the WISE Workshop in Abingdon. He is well placed to play the role of Chair and ensure that WISE continues to be useful to the wider e-Infrastructure community. We wish him well in this new role!
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