On 19-20 April, the Special Interest Group on Network Operating Centres (SIG-NOC) met for the 7th time with a record attendance of 52 participants, including 12 who joined remotely; the meeting was kindly hosted by CSUC in Barcelona.
The theme NOC Management on the Edge enabled us to cover many groundbreaking topics. Frédéric Loui (RENATER) kicked things off with his presentation on NMaaS and Kubernetes Networking. To keep us on the edge of our seats, Josep Rovira presented the proposed changes coming to the GÉANT network with regards to Network Deaggregation and DCI. After a much needed and excellent coffee break, the fun continued with an interactive NOC Process Training by Brian Nisbet (HEANet), during which we discovered that having a process and writing it down is a much better way of dealing with incidents than flailing about wildly. Maria Isabel Gandía (CSUC) showed us, with her stories about Networked Performing Arts from the NOC, that research and education networking can also be art. We ended the day with a quintet of great lightning talks by ARNES, CSUC, ESNET, RECETGA and the University of Granada SRC-CSIRC.
The next morning we visited the Barcelona Supercomputing Center Mare Nostrum, situated in an old church where monks chant through speakers: it was truly a unforgettable experience. We recommenced our meeting with a presentation on the CSIRT – Kit Project by Jordi Guijarro (CSUC), followed by a talk by Frederik Korsbäck (NORDUnet) on Detecting and Reacting to BGP Hijacks. After that we were told that Telemetry is Everywhere by Carles Batalla from Cisco and after some more coffee and sweets we started the last discussion of the meeting: GDPR and Ticketing Systems. Andrew Cormack (Jisc) and Morten Eeg Ejrnæs Nielsen (DeiC) joined us remotely to talk about free text fields and other challenges in ticketing systems with regards to the GDPR. This lively discussion ended with the conclusion that we should keep focusing on this hot topic in our future meetings.
The slides from this meeting can be found on our wiki: https://wiki.geant.org/display/SIGNOC/7th+SIG-NOC+meeting. If you are interested in participating in SIG-NOC, please join our mailing list: https://lists.geant.org/sympa/subscribe/sig-noc. Our next meeting will take place in November 2018.
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