Community News

SIG-NOC and SIG-NGN to hold meetings in the eternal city 21-22 November and 22-23 November

The Special Interest Group – Next Generation Networks will kick off its activities during its first official meeting on 22-23 November 2018, in Rome, hosted by GARR.

The SIG-NGN aims to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration on developments in networking technologies, to promote and co­ordinate development and testing of innovative networking technologies and to define, develop and test new networking services that can subsequently be adopted and introduced by NRENs and/or the European backbone infrastructure.

This event and its main theme, ‘Automation’, will be aligned with the Special Interest Group – Network Operation Centre’s 8th meeting that will take place on 21-22 November also in Rome and graciously hosted by GARR. The SIG-NOC meeting’s core theme will be ‘Monitoring & Processes in an Automated World’, the programme will also focus on a variety of topics of interest such as: Network Telemetry, NOC Processes, Security, DDoS Mitigation, to name a few.

For further information on SIG-NGN and to register your attendance, visit:

For information about the 8th SIG-NOC event, please visit:

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