The Special Interest Group – Next Generation Networks will kick off its activities during its first official meeting on 22-23 November 2018, in Rome, hosted by GARR.
The SIG-NGN aims to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration on developments in networking technologies, to promote and coordinate development and testing of innovative networking technologies and to define, develop and test new networking services that can subsequently be adopted and introduced by NRENs and/or the European backbone infrastructure.
This event and its main theme, ‘Automation’, will be aligned with the Special Interest Group – Network Operation Centre’s 8th meeting that will take place on 21-22 November also in Rome and graciously hosted by GARR. The SIG-NOC meeting’s core theme will be ‘Monitoring & Processes in an Automated World’, the programme will also focus on a variety of topics of interest such as: Network Telemetry, NOC Processes, Security, DDoS Mitigation, to name a few.
For further information on SIG-NGN and to register your attendance, visit:
For information about the 8th SIG-NOC event, please visit:
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