“Recent years have seen a variety of micro and macro-economic changes for GÉANT, the NREN community and the European environment: from the TERENA and DANTE merger to the unexpected outcome of the British referendum and the current instability in the European political environment.
In this complex scenario GÉANT successfully gathered its strengths and leveraged its resources to face such changes, driven and inspired by the firm belief that Research & Education will continue to collaborate beyond borders in the years to come. One of the strengths of our community is the experience and expertise in dealing with change, and I am confident that with continued support from our members and the European Commission we will continue to handle change management successfully.” – Christian Grimm, Chair of the GÉANT Board
Read about our strategy and vision, results of our key areas of work, GN4 project update and accounts in the 2018 annual report. The user-friendly and responsive design of our online web report, is making life easier for you! Have a look!
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