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Infinera contract marks first major award from GÉANT GN4-3N project

The GN4-3N project represents the most significant refresh of the GÉANT pan-European network in a decade, aimed at supporting the rapidly growing needs of Europe’s research and education community for the next 15 years. The amount of vital data generated by scientists and researchers from areas such as bioinformatics, medicine, physics, astronomy, and climate change is growing exponentially, and GÉANT and its NREN partners must stay well ahead of requirements.

The contract for Infinera to deploy 600G transmission technology is the first award made by the project, and represents a major milestone.

As Paul Shelswell, GN4-3N Programme Manager commented in a recent CONNECT interview, “Thus far the majority of the activity in the project – which officially started in January 2019 – has related to finalising the new GN4-3N network topology and the design and procurement of the Open Line System (OLS) equipment and dark fibre connectivity. This work has built upon the great work carried out in the regional workshops and market engagement activities that were carried out before the project officially started. ”

Erik Huizer, GÉANT CEO adds, “The success of the GÉANT (GN4-3N) project is essential for Europe’s research and education communities and will ensure GÉANT and our NREN partners continue to enable scientific discoveries, remote learning for millions of students, and the realization of open science. Infinera continues to be one of our trusted technology partners and we value their expertise in deploying optical networks and providing the best solutions to meet and exceed our extremely demanding requirements.”

The full press release is available on the Infinera website.

Learn more about GN4-3N 


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