In these unprecedented times of crisis schools and universities have faced great challenges. Desperate to keep their students moving forward they have taken learning online, but with varying degrees of success. At times like this not only does education need substantially more support, but the importance of advanced digital technologies to make this a success becomes paramount.
To help ensure that past and future lockdowns do not turn into educational shutdowns, the EU-funded Up2University (Up2U) project accelerated the development and launch of its trusted, remote learning platform – and offered it to all schools and universities across Europe.
About Up2U
Up2U is a collaborative project coordinated by GÉANT with the key objective to bridge the gap between secondary schools and higher education & research by better integrating formal and informal learning scenarios into a more open, effective and efficient school approach where students can co-design, co-create and use personalised, collaborative and experimental digital content, tools and services in preparation for university.
What is openUp2U?
The openUp2U platform is a Next Generation Digital Learning Environment (NGDLE) that is open-source, highly customisable and portable offered on a best-effort basis to secondary schools and academic communities who wish to develop and enhance their teaching and learning skills as it should be to university standards.
Read the interview with Gyöngyi Horváth on OpenUp2U: