25 November 2020, 13:00-14:30 CET
NMaaS (Network Management as a Service) is a GÉANT production service offering a portfolio of well-known network management applications run on a per-user, secured, cloud-based network monitoring infrastructure. The deployment of new monitoring application instance takes only few clicks in a web-based Portal and just a few minutes.
NMaaS is meant for smaller and emerging NRENs, campuses, small organisations or distributed research projects that do not have the relevant expertise and that may have limited resources to develop and/or maintain their own NMS infrastructure or planned to outsource these activities. NMaaS can be used also by large NRENs as a platform to support the network operations of the smaller institutions connected to the NREN.
Service is being continuously enhanced with new features with the main goal to improve user experience and allow for extending the list of provided tools.
This Infoshare is organised by the GN4-3 project with the goal to familiarize the audience with the concept and benefits provided by NMaaS to the NREN and project community and to demonstrate a real-life use case of NMaaS supporting the operations and monitoring of the RARE (https://wiki.geant.org/display/RARE) experimental infrastructure.
NMaaS references:
General information about the service and the supported tools: https://wiki.geant.org/display/NMAAS
Production instance: https://nmaas.eu
Playground instance: https://nmaas.geant.org
Practical information:
- The Infoshare will be recorded and made available through the GÉANT GLAD Website: https://learning.geant.org/infoshares/
- The link and the password to join the ZOOM room will be shared with the registered attendees before the event