12 May 2021, 14:00-15:30 CEST
This infoshare is part of the ongoing mini-series of GÉANT Infoshares on EOSC and Open Science. It will cover four topics in view of the EOSC Portal:
- its benefits for NRENs and how to onboard own services
- the GÉANT perspective on the EOSC Portal
- the different approaches of three EOSC Regional Projects
- how NRENs can contribute to the further development of the portal
The infoshare is primarily aimed at GÉANT Members and Associate NRENs, but open to a broader public.
To learn more, visit the dedicated page on the GÉANT Wiki (requiring authentication): https://wiki.geant.org/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=gn43wp3&title=EOSC+Readiness+Infoshare
Practical information:
- The Infoshare will be recorded and made available through the GÉANT GLAD Website: https://learning.geant.org/infoshares/
- The link and the password to join the ZOOM room will be shared with the registered attendees before the event