Community News

GN5 Framework Partnership Agreement approved

GÉANT is delighted to announce that the GN5 Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) submitted on 2 September 2021 has successfully passed its formal evaluation with a very impressive overall score of 13.5 awarded out of a maximum 15 points.

The GN5 FPA is a 7-year strategic framework that outlines the overall direction, objectives, and impacts of individual projects within that timeframe as part of Horizon Europe – the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation. Once the FPA signature stage is completed, formal project proposals (Specific Grant Agreements – SGAs) can be finalised and submitted.

Matthew Scott, GÉANT’s Chief Programmes Officer adds, “We would like to thank the many contributors across the GÉANT consortium involved in the preparation and writing of the FPA proposal, in particular the GÉANT Project Planning Committee (GPPC) members, GÉANT’s Project Management Office, the many subject matter experts, and of course the GÉANT Board and General Assembly (GA) members for their guidance, engagement, and continued support.”


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