Have you heard a lot about Docker and containers, but you don’t really know what they are and how they work? In a new learning unit on the Network Automation eAcademy, we provide an introduction to the Docker technology, including its architecture, main concepts and most useful commands.
The main goal of the learning unit is to show the potential of Docker and the benefits it could bring to Research and Education institutions, and to provide some tools to start using it.
Follow the unit here (login required): https://e-academy.geant.org/moodle/course/view.php?id=123
Course duration: 3 hours
Trainer: Jasone Astorga, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
You can find updated information about the training in the OAV Training Portal.
And in the GÉANT eAcademy (supported by GLAD, the GÉANT Learning and Development team): eacademy.geant.org
Additionally, you have an open window to talk with the trainers and experts in the Network Automation eAcademy on the first Tuesday of every month, with one hour for questions & answers and also for feedback and training requests. Send an email to oav@lists.geant.org to receive the link to join the room.