The Special Interest Group on Network Operations Centres is meeting in Paris on the 16th and 17th of November. The meeting will be hosted by RENATER.
The theme of the meeting will be “Kilowatt per bit – How hungry is your network?”, and the talks will be not only about watts, but also about bits and flows, of course. There will be thought-provoking presentations on how different entities are dealing with energy optimisation in their datacentres and networks, options for Flow Monitoring, DDoS detection and mitigation, an update on the GÉANT and URAN networks, and a collection of relevant to topics to engage us in good and useful discussions.
There are still a few free slots in the agenda. Would you like to fulfil them with an update on your network and/or your NOC? Or maybe give your own view on how you monitor your network or you manage DDoS attacks? Any news in your NOC or thoughts that you would like to share with your colleagues at the SIG-NOC? Send your proposals to the Steering Committee!