Events HPC

RISC2 webinar series aims to benefit HPC research and industry in Europe and Latin America

The series “HPC System & Tools”, promoted by the EU-funded project RISC2, is back for the second season. The goal is to present state-of-the-art methods and tools for installing and maintaining HPC hardware and software infrastructures. The first webinar will take place on February 22, 2023.

In this season, the participants will learn more about complex workflows that include High Performance Computing (HPC), Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics, Quantum Computing integration into HPC infrastructures, Energy-Efficiency of HPC clusters, and Scientific Visualization in the Exascale age and its challenges.

“These webinar series are strongly impacting our communities. Besides providing training, these webinars bring together people from all over the world, encouraging exchange of knowledge and good practices, and providing networking opportunities. Thanks to these webinars, we are building a strong ecosystem around the HPC development and effective implementation, particularly across Europe and Latin America”, said Esteban Mocskos, from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina – one of the RISC2’s partners and moderators of this initiative. “These webinars are excellent opportunities for HPC practitioners from Latin America to learn the latest about HPC systems and tools; but they’re open to everyone interested in these topics, obviously”,  added Bernd Mohr, from Jülich Supercomputing Centre, the RISC2 Event and Training coordinator.

According to Mocskos and Mohr, the speakers are highly motivated researchers and practitioners eager to share their passions with the participants. “Moreover, we are happy to see more female presenters in our webinar series, since the HPC community needs to get more diverse and inclusive, and our female expert presenters are perfect role models”, they added.

The first four webinars are already scheduled:

Each webinar will last 30-40 minutes, followed by a 10–15-minute moderated discussion with the audience. The speakers and moderators will be international HPC experts. The sessions of this webinar series are free of charge, but registration is mandatory for each session. The webinars will be recorded, and the materials will be available on the RISC2 webpage afterwards. All the webinars of the first season are already available on the website and YouTube channel of the RISC2 project.

Nowadays, in our data-intensive world, High-Performance Computing (HPC) plays a crucial role/is an important asset in the digital transformation of our society, enabling big data analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and cloud computing. In this context, the EU aims to develop its HPC capabilities by exchanging knowledge with other parts of the world. RISC2 promotes the exchange of the best HPC practices through meetings, workshops, and training in Europe and Latin America and encourages interaction between researchers and policymakers in both regions. Another goal is to define coordinated policies and a roadmap for the future for HPC in Latin America.

About RISC2
RISC2 is a European-led initiative that brings together the academic and industrial communities to support the coordination of High-Performance Computing research between Europe and Latin America. The project aims to provide best practices and sources of information for Europe and Latin American organizations. RISC2 is funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. Led by the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), RISC2 brings together 16 partners from 12 countries. More on: 

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