9 March 2023, 14:00-15:00 CET
Following the recent update of the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy for the GÉANT Project, a natural next step is the preparation of a new Privacy Policy for the GÉANT project.
In January 2023 we held a first infoshare dedicated to this topic, in which we presented the draft Privacy Policy and shared a survey to collect community feedback over the course of the following month.
In this follow up infoshare, GÉANT’s Senior GDPR & IPR Legal Advisor Magdalena Rzaca will analyse the feedback provided by the community and discuss possible changes to the draft Privacy Policy.
More information on the drafted Privacy Policy for the GÉANT project can be found on a dedicated wiki (requiring login): https://wiki.geant.org/display/GPPP/GN5-1+Project+Privacy+Policy+Home