What are the steps that should be taken to ensure that your organisation has embraced network Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation (OAV)? How would you rank your organisation regarding its current accomplishments in these areas? Have you considered all technological and organisational aspects while transitioning to OAV?
Research and Education organisations can easily answer to these questions by filling in a survey to self-assess their OAV maturity level. The survey can also be filled in periodically, to compare the most recent maturity status with previous results, and to check if organisations are progressing in the right direction.
The survey is based on the OAV Maturity Model, an instrument created in the context of the GÉANT project to assess the OAV maturity of NRENs, universities, computing centres and research institutions in several dimensions and sub-dimensions and with increasingly mature stages. The dimensions are Architecture & Technology, Processes & Services, Vision & Strategy, and People & Organisation. By using the Maturity Model, NRENs can check with ease which stage they have reached for each dimension: none, crawl, walk, run, fly, or energise.
A recent update, reflecting the feedback received at the OAV Maturity Model workshop in November 2023, now makes it even easier to fill in the survey and for respondents to understand each dimension and find their answers at a glance. Updates include definitions for all the sub-dimensions and a colour code for each of the maturity stages, following the same regular pattern used in the report sent to survey respondents.
Take the challenge – fill in this quick survey to assess the OAV Maturity of your organisation: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SPYDQVB?survey_format=CLASSIC
More information about the OAV Maturity Model can be found here: https://wiki.geant.org/display/NETDEV/OAV+Maturity+Model
Do not hesitate to contact the Network Automation eAcademy team at network-eacademy@lists.geant.org in case you have any questions.