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Join the upcoming Infoshare “QKD Long-Distance Trials” 17/07/2024 14:00 CEST

GÉANT Infoshare QKD

The Network Development Work Package (WP6) of the GÉANT 5-1 project is organising an infoshare focused on the latest experiences with long-distance QKD network trials and experiments.

In one of the experiments three different QKD testbeds were interconnected across Spain, Germany and Poland as part of the OPENQKD project. The second work describes the recent collaboration between Toshiba and GÉANT on implementing a long-distance quantum cryptography experiment. This experiment was conducted over a 254 km telecom network testbed provided by GÉANT, spanning from Frankfurt to Kehl.

The infoshare will take place on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at 14:00 CEST and registration is already open at .

Register Here

To find out more about the Toshiba/ARU/GÉANT long distance experiment check out the full story Here

For more information, please contact .


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