Clouds Community News Community Programme Open Science

Webinar: Trusted Research Environments 5 September 14:00-15:30 CEST

Collaboration is essential for global research and the building of secure and trusted environments to support collaboration is of major importance for R&E organisations. Through combining the skills in AAI, Security and Cloud services, NRENs play a crucial role in the development of this emerging field.

In this webinar, four NRENs will give a presentation on the Trusted Research Environments they provide to their users and will share information and best practices on this.


  1. Dr. Victoria Moody, Director, Higher Education and Research, Jisc
  2. Ivar Janmaat, Teamlead of the HPC Cloud team. Manager SURF Research Cloud and responsible for the Secure Analyses Environment at SURF.
  3. Christoph Witzig, Switch
  4. Heikki Lehväslaiho, CSC

This webinar will be essential listening for both developers and users of these systems.

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