GÉANT is delighted to announce the signing of the Grant Agreement with the European Commission (EC) ahead of the next phase of the GÉANT Project, GN5-2, which will officially start on January 1, 2025.
The GÉANT Project has been running for over 20 years, supporting Europe’s research and education communities and with its 38 project partners (together with the GÉANT Association) representing all of Europe’s National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) and serving as an excellent example of pan-European collaboration.
With a 30-month duration and funding of €80 million, GN5-2 aims to deliver faster, more resilient, and secure connectivity infrastructure alongside enhanced collaboration services, from procuring new online above-the-net services to delivering innovative and distributed trust and identity infrastructure and services, and supporting Open Science. GN5-2 will also reinforce the network security and its operation in a federated approach, and foster collaborations to innovate and strengthen Europe’s sustainable connectivity with other world regions.
Under GN5-FPA, GN5-2 will address Horizon Europe’s priorities in areas such as data security and access control, innovation, inclusion, and DNSH (Do No Significant Harm), and will expand NRENs’ users beyond traditional scientific and research communities, enabling networking and access to the common European data spaces, and preparing non-traditional use of fiber, such as sensing technologies, Quantum, and Time and Frequency distribution.
Tryfon Chiotis, GÉANT’s interim Chief Programmes Officer added:
“In GN5-2, the GÉANT community’s goals and ambitions are closely aligned with those of the European Commission, our co-funding partner. We are thrilled about the opportunities that lie ahead and the positive impact this project will bring!”
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many contributors across the GÉANT consortium who played a role in the preparation and writing of the GN5-2 proposal. In particular, we wish to acknowledge the efforts of the GÉANT Project Planning Committee (GPPC), GÉANT’s Project Management Office, the Project Management Board (PMB), the numerous subject matter experts, and the GÉANT Board and General Assembly (GA) members for their guidance, engagement, and steadfast support.