Calrossy, an independent day and boarding school in Tamworth, New South Wales, enjoys a reputation for excellent academic development. However, being located in rural Australia, more than four hundred kilometres from the nearest urban centre – Sydney – Calrossy is also a long way from the experts and learning resources — such as museums and scientific instruments — that cluster in Australia’s major cities. Expensive travels to Sydney were the only option to enhance the academic experience.
That changed in 2016, when the two school campuses were first connected to Australia’s Academic and Research Network (AARNet), ‘future-proofing’ the school by providing reliable Internet to support classroom teaching, linking students to metropolitan experts and underpinning the adoption of new technologies.
As well as fast broadband Internet, connectivity to AARNet provides unlimited access to online material publicly available at research, education and cultural institutions connected to AARNet, as well as commercial providers that AARNet connects to directly such as Google, Microsoft, the ABC and many more.
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