As the whole world is adapting to working and studying from home in the time of COVID-19 pandemic, in Ukraine researchers, students and teachers have a new...
On 25 March the 11th SIG-NOC meeting brought the community together in an extraordinary two-hour online session, to share concerns, common problems and...
As you know, there is a global pandemic underway with COVID-19. In order to combat this virus, we must take immediate action. VC4A is working to respond to...
An open-science advocate sees lessons for how science and policy should interact, if we want to recover from and prevent future health disasters. By Jean...
The past few weeks have seen many collaborative efforts coming from the European scientific community in answer to the COVID-19 pandemic. EOSC Secretariat...
High performance computing resources immediately available at no cost to engineers, scientists, and researchers fighting the novel coronavirus Tech Against...
If your institution runs an Identity Provider within a Research and Education Federation, please read this urgent message. The international science community...
The EU-funded Up2U (Up2University) project has announced that openUp2U, a version of its trusted, remote learning platform will be available to all schools and...
The EU-funded Up2U (Up2University) project has announced that openUp2U, a version of its trusted, remote learning platform will be available to all schools and...
Vaccines are the key to conquer threats to public health posed by coronavirus and other infectious diseases. A team at the University of Bristol, UK, is...
When it seems like the end of the world is near and your researchers need unsurpassed connectivity to research and cure the COVID-19 virus, who will they turn...
Information and resources that could be useful to research and education networkers in these times of COVID-19 are being rapidly pulled together by the GÉANT...
Amazon understands that having school children and university students at home, online and video learning may be key as this crisis continues. Amazon is...
Microsoft’s mission is to empower every student and teacher on the planet to achieve more. Microsoft Teams and Microsoft solutions for education allow...
As many educational institutions are facing or planning for closures due to COVID-19, the Google for Education and the Google Cloud for Higher Education teams...
It was only almost four months ago when the first case of the 2019–20 coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak was reported. Fast forward today and we see confirmed...
National Research and Education (R&E) Networks (also known as NRENs) together provide critical communications infrastructure for universities and research...