The first workshop of the European Commission ERASMUS+ Programme Micro-credentials for Higher Education systems of Georgia and Armenia (Micro-GEAR) took place...
Tag - Erasmus+
The Institute of Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (IIAP NAS RA) has started a collaboration with The Cyprus...
The EDSSI L2 consortium has been working to enrich and enhance the Student Digital Infrastructure with a new student eCard system in Europe. As a result, the...
Enhanced solutions that make the Erasmus+ administrative processes faster, more accessible, and more secure than ever Words: Debora Lucque, European University...
Today marks an important milestone for the European Digital Student Service Infrastructure (EDSSI) project: the number of students using MyAcademicID to access...
The final conference of the EDSSI project is going to take place on May 18th, 2022 in Thessaloniki (Greece). Organised by the EDSSI consortium, the conference...
A new solution devised and operated by GÉANT is supporting online enrolment in the Erasmus+ mobility programme for students who would otherwise be unable to...
National research and education network (NRENs) representatives and European Student Mobility Initiative stakeholders are invited to participate in the final...
A new identity and access management platform and other results of the MyAcademicID project help shape the way in which students and universities participate...