Author: Helga Spitaler (GÉANT)
Jointly funded by GÉANT and its Chinese counterpart CERNET for a 10 year term, the new 10Gbps EU-China link provides direct connectivity between the two regions and seamlessly continues the EC-funded ORIENTplus circuit that was established between 2011 and 2014.
Over 80 million researchers, academics and students across Europe and China can benefit from this cost-effective, long-term connectivity solution. The HEP, radio-astronomy, bioinformatics and meteorology user communities are already heavily relying on this high-capacity link to meet their increasing data transfer needs. The circuit also facilitates learning in a global environment by supporting e-learning and Transnational Education (TNE) initiatives between European and Chinese academic institutions.
However, what about users that are not the ‘usual suspects’? Users that network monitoring tools do not list as Top Talkers, those who might have less demanding networking needs but could still benefit from a stable, high-speed connection in their international collaborations? Candidates in arts and humanities come straight to mind, but equally in areas such as telemedicine, environmental monitoring and natural disaster management to name but a few. And what about existing users? Are there any opportunities to upgrade them to point-to-point connections to bring our level of dedicated support and their scientific collaborative endeavours to the next level? And are you interested in technical collaboration with our Chinese NREN partners?
Ultimately, the key question is: what can the GÉANT and Chinese NREN communities do (or do better) to effectively promote the link and raise awareness of its benefits among existing and prospective users?
The BoF “EU-China Collaborations” at TNC16 in Prague offers an ideal platform to debate and provide answers to the above questions jointly with CERNET and CSTNET. Let’s build on the long-standing and close relationship between the European and Chinese NRENs to go the extra mile in supporting our users! This relationship has recently been further cemented by an MoU between GÉANT and CERNET which includes commitment to supporting the deployment of advanced network services (e.g. eduroam and perfSONAR) as well as of Future Internet testbeds, and to jointly undertaking outreach and user support activities within the research and education communities.
Join us on Wednesday, 15 June 13:00-14:00 in room LEO.
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