Today there are over 1.7 million researchers and 70 million science and technology professionals working across the European Union. These experts are crucial in ensuring the EU remains at the forefront of science and technology.
As science seeks the answers to ever more complex questions so these researchers have to work together across disciplines and across borders and their ICT requirements become more complex and demanding. The digital infrastructures developed by GÉANT and the other e-infrastructure providers form the digital backbone upon which this research can develop and be shared. Without a strong e-infrastructure platform there would be no easy way to share data, exchange know-how and collaboration would be much harder.
Today EU funded e-infrastructures play a fundamental role in the life of European research and innovation. The EU Horizon 2020 programme will invest more than 850 million Euros in ensuring that research and education across Europe is best placed to deliver innovation.
To show how this investment delivers real results the EU and the e-infrastructure projects have produced a booklet to illustrate the impact Horizon 2020 programme has on one huge challenge to society – climate change.
To download this booklet visit
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