Community News Open Science

GÉANT and EGI join forces to support science and innovation

As part of a long-term and ongoing policy to collaborate closely with all our e-infrastructure partners, GÉANT has signed an enhanced Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the EGI Foundation, to further develop joint efforts aimed at providing European scientists and international collaborations with sustainab­le services for their research efforts.

GÉANT and EGI will continue to work together across a number of areas including:

  • Joint service portfolio management and procurement
  • Interoperability and better integration of GÉANT and EGI services in the areas of network, AAI and security to benefit user communities and improve the experience and uptake of services by researchers
  • Exchange information related to long-term strategies, sustainability and business models
  • Establish and share communications, user engagement practices and training expertise to better engage with users across research communities

Yannick Legré, Managing Director of the EGI Foundation, says that “GÉANT is a solid partner of EGI and together we want to support more open science, continuously improve our services offer to the wider research community and stimulate open innovation in Europe and beyond.”

Steve Cotter, Chief Executive Officer of GÉANT adds, “An integrated e-infrastructure experience for research, education and industry is vital for Europe. GÉANT is committed to helping deliver this, and we see this as a natural next step with our strong partner EGI.”

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DI4R2016 CONNECT article

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