Community News eduroam

eduroam now available in 101 countries

At the latest Global eduroam Governance Committee (GeGC) meeting, seven new territories joined eduroam, the worldwide WiFi roaming service.

These new countries now bring eduroam access to 101 territories, giving users even more free WiFi roaming access and supporting research and education collaboration around the world.

Since its inception, eduroam has been an amazing example of NRENs working together around the world to support millions of users and we look forward to welcoming even more territories to the eduroam family.

The latest 7 territories to join eduroam are:

  • Benin (BeninRER)
  • Ethiopia (EthERNet)
  • Madagascar (iRENALA)
  • Nigeria (NgREN)
  • Oman (OMREN)
  • Tanzania
  • Togo (TogoRER)

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