The Task Force for Research Engagement Development (TF-RED) held a workshop with the objective to relaunch the group and discuss the focus of its future activities, the meeting took place at TNC19 in Tallinn last month. The workshop was hosted and organised by Chris Atherton (GÉANT), TF- RED co-coordinator. Four initial presentations provided insight and examples on the various levels of engagement of the research community in various parts of the world: Switzerland, Moldavia, USA and Kenya. Discussions subsequently focussed on: how to capture the interest of researchers, how NRNENs currently reach and collaborate with researchers and how to support NRENs involvement in research. Some of the identified issues highlighted the different levels of specific competencies within NRENs as well the need for more collaboration, knowledge-sharing and resources.
During the Ideas Safari activity, participants shared their thoughts on how to approach research activities going forward. Here are some of the ideas and suggestions presented: help the research community to focus on technology, promote the use of cloud services to researchers and engage more directly with researchers by approaching spaces where their communities converge. Knowledge and resource sharing, not only within NRENs, but also between NRENs and the research community was one of the recurring issues in all discussions.
NRENs should start promoting more directly and be more involved with research communities and research activities world-wide: it’s the conclusion that found all workshop participants in agreement.
For more information about TF-RED, click here.
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