As part of the requirements gathering activities of the EOSC Enhance project for the EOSC Portal, a survey has been released to gather feedback and new requirements for the EOSC Portal Marketplace.
Deadline to provide feedback is 18 September 2020, 17:00 CEST. The surveys, targeted towards both users and providers of the EOSC Portal, are being organised by ACC Cyfronet AGH, one of the consortium partners of the EOSC Enhance project that contributes to the design and maintenance of the EOSC Portal.
A key focus of the surveys is the presentation of services and resources, specifically the type of information that appears in the individual service or resource page. EOSC Enhance aims to use the insights from the survey to improve the displayed content to ensure that the most useful description fields are presented and highlighted.
Help us achieve our goals and share your point of view on how EOSC services and resources should be presented by taking the survey. Let’s make the EOSC Portal better together!