Community News

Connecting Europe and Latin America for the next 25 years

What is the BELLA Programme? What will it mean for the next 25 years of connectivity between Europe and Latin America and for their Research and Education (R&E) collaboration efforts?

You can find out about all of this in the new animation video now available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Meet the two separate, complementary elements of the BELLA programme:

  • BELLA-T building the scalable 100Gbps terrestrial RedCLARA backbone in Latin America and
  • BELLA-S securing scalable trans-oceanic connectivity between Europe and Latin America on the EllaLink submarine cable system.

Starting at an initial deployment of 100Gbps for the GÉANT and RedCLARA interconnection and separate 100gbps channel to support Copernicus (a European system for Earth monitoring) traffic, the BELLA Programme will be able to increase to a total of 4.5 Tbps.

BELLA will meet the growing connectivity demands in a number of astronomy observatories in Chile, increasing Latin American involvement in High Energy Physics and in the LHC collaboration, Earth observation, climate research, medical research and much more. It will provide scalable capacities, dedicated connectivity options and improved privacy and will significantly reduce latency between the two continents.

This programme is possible thanks to the European Commission with 25M Euro funding by Horizon 2020, DG CNECT, DGDEVCO and DGDEFIS; Latin American funding is provided by NRENs in the region.

The BELLA consortium comprises, together with GÉANT and RedCLARA, the NRENs from Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain.

BELLA will revolutionise the opportunities for Latin America and European R&E collaboration from 2021 for the next quarter of a century.

To find out more, visit BELLA’s new website and discover the revolution in interconnectivity between Europe and Latin America.


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